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Mantra's op de cd  Mala

Om een geluidsfragment  van onze WenJoy cd Mala te luisteren klik op de playbutton, enjoy! 

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Ong Namo

WenJoy Mala 2014

"Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo."

“To tune into your Higher Self, I call upon thedivine wisdom, I call upon the divine teacher within”



WenJoy Mala 2014

"Teyata Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha Bekanze Radza Samudgate Soha."

“For healing, to heal us from illness and the illusion ofseparation and duality”

Om, Aum, Ong

WenJoy Mala 2014

"Om, Aum, Ong"

“The primal sound, the sound of the cosmos, fromwhich everything originates”



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